A few of my least favorite things.

A few weeks ago, I posted some of my favorite things.  I’m a person who likes to see the bright side, and I have long held the belief that ranting and raving about things is not a productive enterprise.   You know, if you can’t say anything good,  yada, yada, yada.

But, sometimes… Well, sometimes, a gal just needs to rant. Maybe it builds character. Or not. In any case, as I’m feeling a little punchy from not running for too many days in a row,  I thought today would be a good day to give my least favorite things some equal time.

So, with no further ado, here are some of my least favorite things (random and in no particular order):

– Cold weather. Not. A. Fan. Give me triple digit temps with crushing humidity any day of the week. That’s why God dropped me into the South. I really think he was aiming for Kona, Hawaii, and something was lost in transit. Maybe His aim was off that day.

I need spring.  Soon.

snow in ms

– Traffic, lines, and crowds. Age has made me much less sanguine about lots of bodies in one place who don’t respect personal space.


– People who don’t purchase official race photos, but still use them on their blogs/social media. Truly one of the things that makes me nuts. When the photo on your blog has the word PROOF labeled across it, you’ve branded yourself a thief for all the world to see. You wouldn’t walk into a grocery store and slip a steak into your pants, then walk out without paying, would you? Same thing. Although I think you should support the small business that is trying to make a living by photographing your race, if you can’t afford to buy your (usually reasonably priced) race photos, have a friend come to the race and take pictures with your iPhone.

I could go on and on about this one, it really hits close to home.

– The comments I read online on news stories and social media threads. Truly, I weep for humanity. Keyboard courage has made idiots of us all. Step away from your computer. Seriously. There are some things you can just let ride.

– Social media shares by people who don’t realize they’re a hoax. I don’t know, though. This one sometimes makes me laugh. But, due diligence, people. Do your research. And, if it’s an article from “The Onion”, chances are it’s tongue in cheek.

– And, while I’m ranting about social media… inappropriate oversharing and poor grammar and spelling on social media.  This includes status updates that make us cringe; racy photos in your underwear (or bikini, or barely there dress); and the misuse of “your and you’re”, “their, there, and they’re”, and “to, too, and two”.  Proofread, people.  It only takes a moment. And, if you wouldn’t want your grandmother (or preacher, or Sunday school teacher, or whoever you greatly respect) to see your status/picture, don’t make me look at it.

– The fitness lost after only a few days off. It seems really unfair how fast fitness fades when you’re injured or just taking some time off. Bleh.

After reviewing this list, I’m kind of proud that it’s much shorter than my favorite things list.  I hope I always see more good than bad in the world.

And, I hope it’s warm enough for my long run tomorrow.  I’m sure my family does, too.  Not that I’m grouchy or anything.

Some (belated) goals for the new year

I’m a person who tries to focus on the positive.  My life is good, my glass is half full, every cloud has a silver lining, and the grass is greener on my side of the fence.  I see good in everyone, and I generally give people the benefit of the doubt.

For some reason, though, 2013 found me walking around with that nasty, proverbial cloud following me.  No silver lining, just a dark, ugly cloud.  I often let anxiety take control of my emotions, and forgot to release my worries to God a lot more than I care to admit.  I think I achieved full hermit status – staying at home, working alone, going to bed by 8 and sleeping in, hiding behind my computer and not reaching out to anyone.  I intend to change that this year.

I’ve set some goals for this year – write something every single day, run a spring and a fall half marathon, lose this pesky weight, give my liver some breathing room by cutting my wine intake, reconnect with old friends, and make new friends. I’m excited and terrified all at once.

How do you even go about making friends at 52?  I want some friends who share my interests.  As much as I love my old friends and as much fun as we have together, not many of them are runners, and few seem to be readers, either.  I want to join (or start) a book club, and find some women my age who enjoy running so we can encourage and motivate each other.

It amuses me that so many of the women who share my interests are either the “crunchy granola”, super nerdy, or over the top competitive types.  Hmmm… maybe I’m not as cool as I thought, and maybe I’m more competitive than I realized.  Food for thought…

Another goal I’ve set is to read more and watch TV/mindlessly browse social media less.  Not batting a thousand on this one yet, but I’m better than I was, so I consider that a small victory.  I have so many books on my “to read” list that I’ll never get them all read if that insidious box (my TV) doesn’t stop squawking constantly.  Lately, I’ve enjoyed sitting beside my man late into the night (at least 9 pm), reading while he watches XYZ on the tube.  Yes, I’m trying to push past 9 pm, I realize how completely lame that hour is.

Baby steps, people, baby steps.


Don’t grow weary

2013 wasn’t a stellar year for me in running or in life.  Nothing major on either front, just small things that piled on top of each other and kept me from being my personal best.  I’ve taken a few weeks off since my last race, running sporadically and riding my bike some, and the time away has been good.  Now I’m ready to get back to business.

When I received an e-mail from You Version  about selecting one Bible verse to make my personal focus for 2014, I was intrigued.  It only took a moment for my verse to come to me.  Isaiah 40:31, the mantra I latched onto during my last race of 2013.

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
    They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
    They will walk and not faint.

Of course, this verse speaks to me in the literal running sense, but as I thought about how to apply it to my life, I realized it was perfect for me as a focus for this year.  I, of course, have goals set for the year, some involve running, but many are life goals and I needed this reminder that my faith will give me strength to run my race and not grow weary.

This year I will run and not grow weary:

…as I learn to love people again.  This sounds odd, I know, but it’s very easy to become hermit like when you work from your home and spend much of your day alone.  I’ve grown complacent about reaching out to others and inviting them into my life, and I have some goals to remedy that.

…as I grow used to intentional stillness.  At any given point, you could walk into my home and find two televisions blaring with no one watching them.  Or, you might find me mindlessly checking Facebook or other social media – time better spent in quiet reflection.  That doesn’t mean I’ll give up social media or quit letting Big Bang Theory and NCIS reruns make background noise as I work, but it does mean there will be more time spent in stillness.  I often run without music because I love the quiet reflection and creative thoughts produced.  I’m excited to see how much more creative I’ll become as I let God fill the empty spaces in my mind rather than Leroy Jethro Gibbs or Sheldon Cooper.

…as I tidy up my life.  I mean this in a very literal sense.  The ridiculousness of my closet was brought home to me when I tried to cram another new skirt onto already overstuffed racks.  I’ve used the downtime I’ve had over the last month to begin the painstaking process of cleaning out, selling some on eBay, giving some things away, and trashing some things.  I’m not in a hurry, which is a good thing, as I think this will probably take all year.  I’m being  brutal about it.   I may (or may not 😉 ) have had a slight problem with shoe shopping over the years .  I’ve paired down my shoes to the ones that I actually wear (for the most part), and have given, thrown away, or sold the others on eBay.  I even sold a much beloved pair of Jimmy Choo’s!  My sweet little nephew happened to be here the day I was cleaning out my shoes and he helped me move all the ones I’m getting rid of to my guest room, which is the temporary host to all my junk.  He told me that I had more shoes than anybody he’s ever seen.  Sigh.  Out of the mouths of babes.  Anyway, check out  eBay occasionally, you may find some great deals.

…as I hone my craft(s).  It’s sometimes a little overwhelming to realize how little I actually know and how much there is left to learn.  I’m proof positive that you can teach an old dog new tricks, though, and I’m learning how to be a better writer and photographer with every day that passes.

…as I implement good nutritional habits in my life.  I’ve spent the last year or so discovering what works for my body and what doesn’t.  I’ve learned that dairy doesn’t really agree with me, and that I feel best when I use good common sense in my eating.  For me, this means keeping carbohydrate intake to a minimum, focusing on whole, nutritionally dense foods, eliminating sugar and artificial sweeteners, restricting wine intake, and allowing myself occasional indulgences.  The only thing I really miss is cheese, so that’s what I indulge in when I splurge.  My holiday menu would have made you laugh.  Almost every dish included some type of cheese.  I even roasted a brie!

…as I explore newly discovered aspects of my personality.  One thing I learned in 2013 was that I love to cook.  Who knew?  I’m excited to discover other new things about myself.  I hope I never stop learning, exploring, and discovering.

…as I pick myself back up.  This year, just like all the others, holds no magic power to make me achieve all my goals, overcome every obstacle, and reign victorious through every pitfall.  I will fail at things.  On any given day, I will make poor food choices, not feel like running, have road rage, get mad at my family, say something I shouldn’t.  But, the power of faith, the sure knowledge that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord, the remembrances of all those other times I’ve tried and failed, then persevered, all work together to remind me that I can not only do this thing we call life, but do it with style, even if I have fewer toenails and more bumps and bruises.

I hope that you’ll focus on a verse for your life this year as well.  The new year is a great time to brush away any mental cobwebs that have accumulated and start fresh.  Happy 2014!
