The Struggle is Real

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. TS Eliot

The comeback effort is plodding along, in a forward motion mostly, but there have been setbacks. I’ve had to press pause on swimming for now. I’m struggling with nausea after only a few laps, so until I can get that figured out, I’m staying dry. I have struggles with that when I strength train, as well, but I’m not in 10 feet of water when the urge to throw up hits, so there’s that. I’m narrowing down the possibilities, one of which is goop in my head. I’m working on clearing this up, but it’s springtime in the south, so we’ll see.

If I try to look too far ahead, I get overwhelmed with the very real possibility that I’ll never run again. It feels like I’m light years away from even a short run right now. My strength training and 40-60 minute walks take a lot out of me, and they’re really sloooooowwww. Is this what getting old feels like? See where I let my mind go?

I’m deploying all the tools in my limited arsenal to regain my health, whatever that looks like. Forty minute plods, baby strength training workouts with ridiculously light weights, and I’m looking forward to adding slow and easy cycling soon. It is what it is. I’m trying to embrace where I am now, stay consistent, and be optimistic about the future.

I do dream about running again some day and finding out just how far I can go.

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